5 Incredible Pots With Geometric Decorations

We will show a world of 5 Incredible pots with geometric decorations that you should see. Pots provide an interesting twist to this classic pottery with geometric decorations.

There’s something for everyone in this collection. Discover how these pots can refresh your surroundings as we explore the fascinating world of geometric design.

Now let’s get started:

Terracotta Oinochoe

Source: metmuseum.org

Period: 1000 – 800 B.C.

Geography: Attic Greek

Vessel Type: Oinochoe

Terracotta clay, a type of earthenware, was utilized for this work. It is a superb example of Greek geometric ceramics.

This item was discovered during a more extensive archeological investigation of the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos in 1959. Animal bones and votives, like prayer candles, were discovered by the researchers in addition to the Terracotta figures. A 45-minute drive outside of Athens delivers you to the top of Mount Hymettos.

Dlpylon Amphora

Source: wikipedia.org

 Period: Around 750 B.C.

Geography: Athens

Vessel Type: Amphora             

This object was discovered in an Athens cemetery. It is covered in carefully described figures of humans, animals, and other subjects. A funeral procession was portrayed by the artists using the black-figure technique. It is apparent from the animals and other geometric shapes that an upper-class citizen was buried there.

Terracotta Footed Bowl

 5 Incredible pots with geometric decorations

Source: metmuseum.org

Period: Around 625 – 600 B.C.

Geography: Etruscan (modern-day Italy)

Vessel Type: Cup

Beginning in northwest Italy, the terracotta-footed bowl is a stunning example of the timeless beauty and creativity of this traditional material. The terracotta-footed bowl’s rustic elegance is an ideal fit for any home decor style as it is both unique and versatile.

The object in the picture is thought to have been handmade nearby in the emulation of Greek neighbors who engaged Greeks.

Boeotian Pedestalled Skyphos With Lid

Source: drouot.com

Period: Around 750 – 700 B.C.

Geography: Boeotian (central Greece)

Vessel Type: Skyphos

 The Skyphos vessel was used for drinking wine, a central aspect of social gatherings and religious ceremonies in ancient Greece. The skyphos’s clarified horizontal banding, which reflects the skill and attention to detail of the artisans who made it, displays their outstanding skill.

Krater With Lid | 5 Incredible pots with geometric decorations

Source: metmuseum.org

Period: Around 750 – 740 B.C.

Geography: Cyprus

Vessel Type: Krater

Ancient ceramics and their importance in recognizing historical customs and culture have garnered interest yet again obeying the discovery of a krater with a lid on the island of Cyprus. 

This vessel is a unique blend of the two designs. The style is a master’s creation.


Geometric decorations on pots bring a modern and stylish touch to any space. The variety of shapes and patterns available in these incredible pots make them a versatile and eye-catching addition to your home or garden decor.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your home decor with these amazing pots with geometric shapes.


What Is The Geometric Style Of Pottery?

Geometric pottery refers to a style characterized by precise shapes and patterns, often featuring repetitive geometric motifs such as triangles, circles, and lines. This style emerged in ancient cultures like the Greeks, where it was used to decorate vessels for practical and aesthetic purposes.

How To Make Geometric Art?

To create geometric art, start with basic shapes like squares, triangles, and circles. Use rulers, compasses, or stencils for precision, and experiment with symmetry and repetition to build intricate patterns. Incorporate varying colors and textures for depth and visual interest.

How To Draw A Geometric Triangle?

To draw a geometric triangle, begin by drawing three straight lines that intersect to form a closed shape. Ensure that each angle measures 60 degrees for an equilateral triangle or vary the angles for different types of triangles.

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