Selecting, Maintaining, and Cleaning Kiln Shelves

Selecting, Maintaining, and Cleaning Kiln Shelves

Selecting the right kiln shelves and properly maintaining them is essential for safe and successful electric kiln firings. Here’s a breakdown of each steps. Selecting, maintaining, and cleaning shelves apply generally to any kind of shelves, whether they’re in your kitchen, closet, garage, or even a store.

The Art of Sgraffito Pottery Unveiling Mastery


Potters use the Sgraffito pottery method to apply glass or go to a piece of pottery, wait for it to completely dry, and finally use a clay cutting tool to remove part of the glass to see the color of the layer.

Project Prep: Wheel Wedging Clay/Work Guide

Project Prep: Wheel Wedging Clay

Wheel Wedging clay is one of the most important processes in working with clay. The clay gets ready in this way, creating and limiting it to remove air spaces and defects and provide an uniform and smooth quality for the final item. Wheel wedging clay is a skill that requires time and effort to become skilled, given its apparent ease. Because being able to get proper results includes skill and skill, which makes it an important skill for any clay painter.

15 Tips on Setting Up a Home Pottery Studio on a Budget

15 Tips on Setting Up a Home Pottery Studio on a Budget

Get creative with your storage solutions by repurposing items like old bookshelves or cabinets to store your pottery tools and supplies. By thinking outside the box, you can save money on expensive storage units and keep your studio organized and functional. Creativity knows no bounds in a home pottery studio, where each masterpiece takes shape through the artist’s hands.

DIY Propane Kiln Ideas – 4 Easy Ways to Make a Propane Kiln

DIY Propane Kiln Ideas – 4 Easy Ways to Make a Propane Kiln

When it comes to creating your Diy propane kiln ideas for pottery or metalworking, there are endless possibilities for DIY enthusiasts. One popular method is to repurpose a gas grill by removing the cooking grate and lining the inside with firebricks to create a makeshift kiln. This allows for easy temperature control and can be a cost-effective option for beginners.

A Guide To Japanese Pottery

A Guide To Japanese Pottery

Japanese pottery showcases the creative ability of its artisans and the delicate connection between culture, history, and invention. Pieces range from the peaceful simplicity of tea bowls to the stunning beauty of porcelain vases. We will explore how political movements in Japan are connected to its rich ceramic history as we go on our exploration of Japanese ceramics, revealing how these advancements continue to influence and inspire modern pottery techniques.